Time to Increase Your Savings: 10 Sustainability Hacks for Your Budget

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Emma Menebroker

9/19/20234 min read

Time to Increase Your Savings: 10 Sustainability Hacks for Your Budget

Welcome, fellow eco-enthusiasts, to our guide on 10 Sustainability Hacks for Your Budget. In a world that is increasingly moving towards environmental responsibility, it's no surprise that discussions over sustainable living often include ways to make the transition accessible and economical. While this transition may appear costly at first glance, you will be pleasantly surprised by these eco-smart choices that not only benefit the planet but also supercharge your savings!

1) Drive Down Energy Costs

Avoid energy wastage to enjoy environmental and financial benefits. Swap out traditional bulbs for energy-efficient LEDs, seal any gaps in your home's insulation, and harness the power of programmable thermostats to fine-tune your energy usage. Investing in smart power strips will also ensure that excess power running to everyday items, permanently plugged in, is not racking up your bill behind your back. These changes will keep your utility bills in check.

2) Bid Farewell to Disposables

Disposable products like paper towels and single-use plastics might appear convenient, but they can punch holes in your budget and the environment. Invest in reusable alternatives instead such as cloth napkins, reusable baggies, produce covers, durable safety razors, and the classic reusable water bottle. While these eco-friendly choices may have a slightly higher initial cost, they'll surpass disposable options in terms of long-term savings.

3) Cultivate Your Own Food

Imagine your own garden or windowsill bursting with fresh herbs. Homegrown produce not only reduces your grocery bills but also lessens the carbon footprint associated with store-bought items. This strategy is a win-win, just add water!

4) Become a Thrifting Master

Thrifting isn't just a passing trend; it is a treasure trove of savings and sustainability. Whether you're on the lookout for fashion, furniture, or gadgets, secondhand shopping helps reduce the demand for new resource-intensive products. According to the World Economic Forum, over the past 15 years, people have been wearing new clothing for 40% less time before disposing of it. Once in the trash can, a whopping 73% of the clothing ends up buried in a landfill or burned (3). While the recycled textile industry is advancing, thrifting is the best way to combat this harsh reality today, while getting a sweet deal simultaneously.

5) Create Your DIY Cleaning Arsenal

Commercial cleaning products can be harsh on your wallet and introduce chemicals into your living space. Craft your eco-friendly cleaning solutions using pantry staples like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. It's not only a budget-friendly option but also a health-conscious one. Vinegar and baking soda are not just for cooking and science fair volcanos, they can be used to scrub the bathroom, kitchen counters, and rid towels of mildew. Lemons are also a budget-friendly cleaning all-star, composing furniture polish and freshening the garbage disposal! (Looking for more cleaning ideas and recipes check out: https://www.thespruce.com/homemade-and-natural-cleaning-products-1900456)

6) Revamp Your Commute

Where feasible, explore alternative modes of transportation such as biking, carpooling, or public transit. By doing so, you'll not only shrink your carbon footprint but also put the brakes on expenses related to fuel, maintenance, and parking. As of 2021, automobile transportation accounted for 28% of total greenhouse gas emissions in the US (1). Biking, as a transportation alternative, mitigates personal greenhouse gas admissions and improves cardiovascular health and immunity.

7) Eco-Friendly Lunches

Opt for waste-free lunches by packing your meals in reusable containers, using cloth napkins, and carrying durable utensils. This eco-conscious approach not only reduces the single-use packaging in your life but packing a lunch, in general, can help you avoid a large lunch bill.

8) Fix It, Don't Ditch It

Before bidding farewell to a malfunctioning item, roll up your sleeves and attempt to repair it. Whether it's mending clothing or fixing leaky faucets, DIY solutions can extend the lifespan of your possessions and safeguard your finances. For example, instead of replacing faulty windows and screens, find a way to reseal and replace damaged elements. If you have an item that could be fixed with the right set of skills, don’t just toss it, look for someone in your area who might be willing to buy and refurbish it.

9) Indulge in Meatless Culinary Delights

Reducing your meat consumption can be a budget-friendly alternative that is also good for the environment. It was estimated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations that 33% of greenhouse gas admissions are from meat production, accounting for raising, transportation, consumption, and food waste disposal (2). To counteract this ever-increasing trend, meatless meals are often more economical, and mixing them into your typical schedule will ensure you’re getting the most nutrients out of food sources you may be overlooking.

10) Optimize Water Usage

Conserving water isn't just a wise environmental choice; it is also refreshing for your wallet. Tackle those leaks, install water-saving showerheads, and consider harvesting rainwater for outdoor use. Additionally, while cutting down on water usage can seem tedious, conducting a short audit, accounting for all the water you use in the day, will give you a clearer picture of how to tailor a water-saving plan to your lifestyle. These strategies will not only help you conserve water but maintain your financial well-being.


Boosting your savings is not solely about adopting eco-conscious habits; it's also about steering your finances in the right direction for the long term. By incorporating these ten sustainability hacks into your daily life, you'll not only reduce your environmental footprint but also rev up your savings.


1)EPA.” Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions.” Environmental Protection Agency, https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions. Accessed 19 September 2023.

2)Ladyzhets, Betsy. “How much does eating meat affect nations’ greenhouse gas emissions?” ScienceNews, https://www.sciencenews.org/article/food-emissions-data-diet-carbon-greenhouse-gas-climate-agriculture. Accessed 19 September 2023.

3)Souchet, Francois. “Fashion has a huge waste problem. Here's how it can change.” World Economic Forum, https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/02/how-the-circular-economy-is-redesigning-fashions-future/. Accessed 19 September 2023.